Legal information:

ElectronicPartner Handel SE

Mündelheimer Weg 40

40472 Düsseldorf, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)211 41560
Fax: +49 (0)211 4156310


Executive Board

Matthias Assmann
Friedrich Sobol
Greta Ziob


Company’s registered office: Düsseldorf 

Court of registration: Local district court, Düsseldorf, Germany
Register number: Commercial Register Part B (HRB) 61492

Tax identification number in accordance with § 27 a

of the Value Added Tax Act: DE 119 361 367

Responsible for content in accordance with § 55, para. 2 of the German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty (RStV):
Matthias Assmann
Mündelheimer Weg 40
40472 Düsseldorf


Editorial office: 


Intellectual property rights:

All of the articles and posts are protected by copyright. All rights and the rights to translation reserved. Reproductions of any kind are only permitted with the written approval of ElectronicPartner Handel SE. Publication does not indicate that the designations used are not subject to industrial property rights.



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ElectronicPartner Handel SE is neither willing nor obligated to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.